5 Major Strategies That Most Trainers
Don't Implement That's Critical
To Your Fitness Success!
Often times many become frustrated with not achieving their fitness goals simply because they don't have a tangible plan and the right coaching. So many will take the approach of, " I'll just start on Monday". then you will begin to occupy yourself with other things to take the place of exercising such has checking your emails, spending hours on social media, getting the kids or grand kids off to school or you'll start cleaning...Just so you won't have to meet that dreaded appointment with your personal trainer.
I've seen many clients of other trainers just show up and go through the motions or are not fully committed to the game...simply because most trainers aren't fully committed to the client. It's goes something like this: "Ok, I have 8 clients today, let me go ahead and get them in and out so I can get to the next clients and go on about my day!"
Now I'm not say ALL trainers are like this but the ones I've encountered over the years treat this critical life transformation and a prison number.
Here are some strategies to Re-Think to see some tangible results in your Wellness and Fitness journey and what most trainer don't implement:
- Innercise - Most trainers are not trained to get to the C.O.R.E. (root problem) of why you are reaching your results. They are not trained to COACH you, they are trained to train you. Therefore, you are showing up, paying your money and showing little to no progress. It's More To Being Fit Than Just Working Out. You have to Dive Deep, get to the root cause and set you up for success.
- Accountability - Either you'll show up for your training session or you don't. If you don't show up, you're still charged for the session and this becomes "break-time" for the trainer. Accountability creates an opportunity to grow and gives you an external perspective on what you are not able to see for yourself.
- Change Your Intentions - If you have known me or have seen any of my workouts, everything I do has intentions. What if YOU actually looking at working out as Stepping Into Your Power you never knew you had? Or Building The Strength and Resilience of an athlete with every squat, bicep curl, lunge, etc.
- Challenge You - Some trainers do challenge you...Some Don't. Try something new or challenge your trainer to try something new with you. Remember, most trainers don't have a full program for you to experience dramatic transformation. So you will either seek other help or challenge THEM to step it up!
- Actual Coaching - When you have a training session, that's exactly what you're getting- Training. There's no actual Coaching taking place to ensure continued success. Coaching creates a safe place to work through everything. Sometimes people are vulnerable and it helps to bring awareness to something that you may not have thought helps.

Coaching has made many and myself a more resilient person. You must invest in the knowledge, skill set and results you want. There is no way around it. Winging it frustrates you. Paying for something that you're not getting the results with, will frustrate you. Not being clear on your goals will frustrate you.
Coaching can make you a better person, parent, friend and have better relationships and allows you an opportunity to tap into your own Living Laboratory.
I'd love to hear your feedback. Post your comments below.
And if you're interested in nurturing your spirit, dropping that weight, strengthen/sculpting your body, impressing your doctor and extending your life. Be a part of my LIVE Group Coaching program to achieve the results you desire.
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Be Well,
Cheryl Harris Enterprises - CHE Knows
Wellness | Fitness | Lifestyle Expert
Your Get L.E.A.N. LIVE Long Coach